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Work shoes are one of the most important categories of protective equipment and are part of the equipment of every worker. They are designed to provide comfort, safety and protection for your feet.

In order to choose the right work shoes that are adapted to your work, read below which factors need to be taken into account.

  1. What level of protection is required?
  2. In what conditions are work shoes used?
  3. What kind of shoes do I need (high, medium or low)

What level of protection do we need?

Work shoes have a mark that indicates the level of protection and safety. Some of these designations are: S1, S2, S3, S1P, ESD.

  • S1 - Protective shoes with a protective built-in protective cap. These shoes are mostly used in dry conditions. Their uppers are usually made of more breathable materials such as mesh or have holes in certain parts.
  • S2 - Water-repellent safety shoes with a protective cap for occasional exposure to wet conditions.
  • S3 – Water-repellent protective shoes with a protective cap and a puncture-proof sole.
  • S1P – Safety shoes with a protective cap and an impenetrable sole.
  • ESD - Protective shoes for the electrostatic discharge of accumulated electricity that is released into the ground in a safe way and thus cannot damage electrical devices handled by the operator.
  • Shoes with rubber soles resistant to high temperatures.

In what conditions are work shoes used?

Whether you work in dry or wet conditions, it is very important that your feet stay dry during working hours, i.e. wearing work shoes.

Water repellency and water resistance are two different terms that we will explain below.

It is characteristic of water-repellent work shoes that the external processing of the material does not allow water to penetrate, but to slide on the surface. And while waterproof ones completely prevent the penetration of water and air through the shoes. An example of such work shoes are boots .

What kind of shoes do you need?

Depending on the season and type of work, choose the work shoes that are most suitable for you.

High work boots are used in winter, when greater insulation from the cold is needed. Shoes adapted to winter working conditions must be tall, water-repellent and insulated from the cold.

Low shoes are used more in the summer months.

Regardless of the time of year, you should pay attention to the type of work you are doing and choose suitable work shoes.

Some groups of work shoes:

  • Electrician's work shoes - used to protect the operator from electric shock.
  • Construction work shoes - most often come with S3 degree of protection and are made of 2.2 mm thick leather to withstand tough conditions in the construction sector
  • Work shoes for logistics - breathable work shoes used in warehouses and closed areas.
  • Gastro and medical work shoes - are mainly intended for the food and medical industry.
  • ESD work shoes - ESD work shoes are used for the electrostatic discharge of accumulated electricity that is released into the ground in a safe way and thus cannot damage electrical devices that the operator handles.

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